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  1. Campsite - on river left .5 K downstream from starting point

    - hike tundra 

    - good fishing at stream river right

    clark2.jpg (104217 bytes)

  2. Campsite - on river left sand and gravel bar sand dunes along river bank

    - hike sand dunes, many tracks

    - fishing at stream river left not checked

  3. Campsite - sand and gravel bar at Thelon Junction with the Clark

    - saw light brown muskox on shore left just before junction

    - hike Thelon Canyon

  4. Campsite - rocky esker high river left bank at island on Hanbury 1.5 k from Thelon Junction

    - hike eskers many tracks including a wolf pack

    - hike to Helene's Falls

    - spent 2 nights here

  5. Campsite - river right over sand bank at Grassy Island

    - saw a wolf on shore far upstream

  6. Campsite - river left across from a better site at Waterfall Glade bushy shore line

    - went to Waterfall Glade next morning for a swim

    - checked out Ernie Kyte's cairn down stream

  7. Campsite - river right after islands and swift water across from rock wash

    - lots of terns hang in wind collecting insects of water

  8. Campsite - river right low beach

    - thunder storms at night make for a late dinner

  9. Campsite - rocky beach river right

    - 32 inch large trout for dinner

    - morning hike while tents dry

  10. Campsite - river left high esker with lakes behind

    - hike the esker in the morning

    - carrot muffin treats for lunch

    - left late

  11. Campsite - Finnie River right on sand beach

    - moving dunes with many tracks

    - terns disapprove of company

    ross.jpg (61702 bytes)   finnie.jpg (34904 bytes)

  12. Campsite - across from island on high bank river right

    - many artifacts both ancient and early 1900's

    - wolf seen at site on arrival

    - hike eskers

  13. Campsite - river right past crossing place of the deer

    - very wet and windy built a fire to keep warm and wait for wind to die

  14. Campsite - Kigarvi River left sand bank at junction

    - hike sand dune river right

    - see wolf hunting for dinner on return

    - left in high wind to get around sharp bend in the river

    - Tundra Tom's canoe seen buried in the sand on island

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  15. Campsite - river left sand and rock plowed by the ice

    - 15 k to end of trip

  16. Campsite - river right on high bank just before sand and rock island at entry to Beverly Lake

    - many rock tent rings and ancient artifacts

    - hike to Beverly Lake

    - hike up Thelon

    - see wolves both sides on the river and a caribou crossing to river left

    camp.jpg (51654 bytes)


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Last modified: Monday October 07, 2002.